Unlike conventional alphabet books, My First Book of UPPERCASE LETTERS does not start with the ABCs. The most prominent characteristic of this book is that it starts with easy-to-write letters and then proceeds to more difficult letters step by step, regardless of alphabetical order. Different strokes such as straight lines, diagonal lines and curves are introduced in an incremental manner so that children do not grow tired of studying letters. The North American popularity of this book proves the Kumon Method’s “practice makes perfect” effectiveness.
8 1/4 x 11 2/3 inches. paperback. 80 pages. full color. US $7.95 / C $8.95
Lisa –
EducationalPerfect for kids at home
GY –
Somewhat on the easier sideOverall a pretty good workbook with practice pages for tracing and writing. Although it feels on the easier side to me and inadequate exercises. Guess I am expecting more for the target age group of the book.
Gertrude –
We are very pleasedThis past year we were homeschooling preschool. My son, who had turned 4 last summer, really disliked using pencils or crayons. We tried writing a few times, but I didn’t think preschool was a time for tears. We compromised and instead of writing he did the first kumon book of cutting, play dough, finger paint and some coloring with pencils (the day on a calendar for math). Now that he turned 5 a few weeks ago, I told him that we really should do some writing. I got this book and amazingly, he is now interested and happy to do the pages!Granted, he finds them “easy” at age 5. This is not a problem, I think it is fine to do a few pages every day and quickly move on. I’m glad I followed the advice of other homeschool mothers and wait until he was ready to start and not worry that other 4 year olds in actual schools were writing their names. At this point he can read the instructions (with some help), and say “x” as he writes the letter X for example. And I’m glad he smiles and feels a sense of accomplishment. The amount of practice available in the book is sufficient for now. Of course, we will follow with further practice later on.This book teaches the letters based on how easy they are for a small child to write. So they will write I, T, F and E before A, B or C. This approach doesn’t bother me at all. But if you want to teach the alphabet in order, perhaps this is not the book you want.This book has the age range of 3-5 years old. I have a 3 year old too. And I know kids vary in maturity and so on. But at least my children did not appear mature enough at age 3 to follow these instructions consistently. You know what my 3 year old does? She writes all over the page. This is fine, but she can just use a paper from the recycle pile for that :)Update after finishing the whole book:We finished this workbook about two months after we started. Again, my son is already 5 and able to read simple words. His letters are a little shaky, but he is able to form them correctly and just needs more practice and as we start lower case letters we keep practicing uppercase, but writing his name, last name and eventually copying short sentences. We have used several Kumon books and I am very pleased with the results overall.
Enna R –
My son uses this everydayMy sister-in-law sent a few Kumon books to my 4 year old, he enjoys them so much that I ordered this one on Amazon.My son is a bilingual, he can sing alphabet song, but did not like holding pencil properly. However, after finishing other 2 Kumon books(tracing and Japanese alphabet), I thought he was ready for English alphabet. It’s been 3 weeks since he started this book, and he enjoys doing a page every day, sometimes asks me for 2nd time!Since the book does not follow alphabetical order, it might confuse your child if he/she is currently working on the order.wish this book came with stickers after completing each page like other Japanese Kumon books we have, but the price is great and worth buying it!
The Chupacabra –
Great book to help kids learn uppercase lettersGreat book to help teach kids letters. I have actually used this book several times with my 8 year old. He writes letters, but sometimes can be a little sloppy. When he starts to get sloppy we bought another set of upper and lowercase letters and make him start over. They are quick easy books. Starts off with straight lines, then goes into 3 letters, then review of the letters in the start of a word with a picture of that word. Kumon makes good products and this is another good one. My younger son struggles with writing letters backwards sometimes (both of my kids have struggled with this early on, I think most kids do), but this book has helped him with review of how to write letters.
Portland Mom –
Needs more practice pagesThe letters are grouped by the type of strokes needed to master the letter. And the stroke practice pages prior to learning the actual letter are very helpful too. However, there are only 3 pages dedicated to learning the strokes and the child only practices an actual letter a total of 13 times throughout the whole book. It’s hardly enough for a child to learn to write letters. The progression of learning the letters was logical, but the book lacked enough practice. After completing the whole book once, I went back with an eraser and cleared all the pages. Then made xerox copies of the letter practice pages. I had my son work through my xerox pages first and then went back through the book two more times. Once in pencil and once in a different colored pen, so that he could see his progression. I think KUMON could easily break this up into two books, one dedicated to letters with just straight lines, and one dedicated to letters containing curves and wavy lines.
Liz –
Great starter book for 2 year oldsThis is a wonderful starter book for a two year old. I would recommend photocopying the pages where children learn to draw lines across and semi circles and have your child practice this everyday. For the past two weeks, I had my child repeatedly draw the lines across, and connect the semi circles. I showed her how to trace it once by helping, and then I let her work on it by herself. Then I add three tracing pages of letters. After two weeks, my daughter finally was able to write 2 uppercase Hs on her own. I also photocopy all the sheets so we can keep practicing the concepts. I also like that it has the numerical order listed of how the letter is supposed to be written. This is one of the key concepts children learn in kindergarten. Great resource. Highly recommended.
Maker Family –
Finally, LOGICAL alphabet groupingThis book starts with letters that are straight lines–T H F and L and moves onto the more complex letters slowly starting with the diagonals that are in Y, X V, N, M, W, K, Z before introducing curvy letters like O and S and then mixed letters like B, R P and others.This progression empowers kids to feel far more confident in their writing and actually master a skill before trying a new one. This should be manditory in schools.
Fatima Peter –
Good teaching material for preschoolersFor some reason, I like these books over other practice books. During the “shelter at home” period of the COVID-19, we are teaching our grandkids at home. This one really is good for preschoolers after they have learnt tracing.
KimHeartsPhoto –
Love these books!This uppercase letters book is really fantastic! My 3 year old loves to do the activities. We paired this book with the tracing book by Kumon and everyday she has a new activity. I’m a stay at home mom and wanted to help further my child’s education before going to school in a fun non stressful or forceful way. Kumon makes it simple to understand and fun for kids. Wonderful product! I actually purchased the racing book at books a million so I would recommend buying through Amazon it saved me a few dollars. Book came in fast and in perfect condition!
lala –
:*¨¨*:·.EXCELLENT.·:*¨¨*:·.PRODUCT.·:*¨¨*:·.THANK.·:*¨¨*:· YOU !!!!!:*¨¨*:·.EXCELLENT.·:*¨¨*:·.PRODUCT.·:*¨¨*:·.THANK.·:*¨¨*:· YOU !!!!! :*¨¨*:·.EXCELLENT.·:*¨¨*:·.PRODUCT.·:*¨¨*:·.THANK.·:*¨¨*:· YOU !!!!! :*¨¨*:·.EXCELLENT.·:*¨¨*:·.PRODUCT.·:*¨¨*:·.THANK.·:*¨¨*:· YOU !!!!!
Useful workbookI like this work book it builds upon skills. Children feel comfortable using it.
Maggie –
My 3 year old loved this!My kiddo was asking to practice writing. When she showed interested, I bought this. She loves it. She goes through phases where she wants to practice letters and then refuses to practice letters. I go with it. When she’s wanting to practice, this is the book she wants to use.The content of this book is solid. Clear exercises that my child was able to complete independently after I gave instruction on each page. This allows me to be close by doing my own thing while she spends several minutes per page before I have to instruct again.The book is great quality paper and has nice binding.
Niralee Patel –
Love this bookMy 3 YO loves learning how to write using this book. What’s strange is she prefers writing in this book over watching TV. So it has me sold! It’s fun and helps kids really learn how to write. Not just make the letters but start from basics like drawing a line. Great book!
Christina Vranian Grande –
Best letter book I’ve boughtBeat letter book I’ve bought, and I’ve bought like 20. This teaches the kids to write straight lines and curved lines before trying letters. You will not be disappointed.
Sarah –
Great! Buy it!This book is fantastic!!My son is 4 and it is great. If you are looking for a book to go along with it for additional practice forming the letters, try the Handwriting Without Tears series.Great book to introduce and learn the letters while also learning to form them.Only complaint I have would be to make the pages easier to tear out!
Nancy M. Daly –
Love the developmental approach to this (straight lines firstLove the developmental approach to this (straight lines first, then curves–rather than going in alphabetical order). I cut out all the pages and inserted them into the TYH Dry Erase Pockets (which come complete with markers and attached erasers). They were an instant success with my 4 year old grandson who hadn’t been especially interested in writing up to this point.
Louis –
Nice bookWorth for money
FirstFiddle –
Excellent book for teaching little ones to write!I have used this book for all three of my boys, and each was writing his capital letters clearly earlier than their peers (and enjoying it). Two boys mastered their letters by age 3 1/2, and one by age 4 1/2. Best of all, the kids enjoyed the book and didn’t even realize they were learning. We are a family that homeschools, and I am always looking for materials that teach well and that the children enjoy. Kumon almost always fits the bill, and the Uppercase Letters book is one that has never let me down.
AeeZ –
Great for young beginnersStarted with this book when my 2 yr old learned to trace. She was doing it one day and so I went looking for an activity book to help her along, thinks a great book for beginners and my baby girl really enjoyed it, even when I thought drawing vertical lines over and over was going to get boring. She’s almost through now, she’s 2.5 and she can write a few letters by herself….as long as it only has straight lines, haha. Grea
Tiffany Leschber –
Wonderful workbook!I bought this book for my son’s fourth birthday. He has previously had no interest in learning to write, even when surrounded by his friends at preschool. As soon as I opened this book, he was hooked. He finished half of the workbook in one day, and I had to take it away to get him to eat dinner. The exercises are straightforward, and it has really kept his interest. I couldn’t have asked for a better start for his writing skills!
FranS18 –
Great workbook for homeschooling!This was used for homeschooling for my daughter last yr and it worked great for teaching her how to write and get to know her uppercase letters!
Indymomma –
It is a nice quiet activity for the two of us to do …My 3 year old has been wanting learn to read write but I had no idea how to teach those skills. This workbook is helpful and she enjoys tracing the letters in here. It is a nice quiet activity for the two of us to do together and she is so proud when she learns to do a letter on her own. I highly recommend.
flgatormom –
Works but not best organizationMy 4 year old loves this book. We do “mommy school” for preschool and he enjoys using the Kumon books. I don’t really care too much for the organization of this book and my 4 year old is a little confused as to why the alphabet isn’t in order. They group the letters according to similar stroke patterns rather than in alphabetical order. Not too fond of that. We used the Kumon Tracing book prior to introducing him to this book. So he already had a basis of pencil control. I would recommend using that book first if your child does not have much experience with writing. My son does like the pictures and it does keep him wanting to do more so it works for us.
Maria Elena Garcia Lee –
ExcellentI have an older daughter in Kumon math and I love the way Kumon teaches. My 4 year old loves the book and works on it by herself.
Mrs. Swan –
We love these books!I have been using these over the summer to keep my preschoolers skills sharp. She loves all of the books,in the series and I will keep buying them as she progresses. I like these better than the jumbo activity books because they focus on a particular skill and they progress nicely. We haven’t reached the end of it yet, but her skills have definitely improved. Great book, great price.
Yuval Peress –
Great for learning to writeEasy to use and follow. I really like the order in which the letters are arranged it helped develop and practice the motor skills well
Alissa –
Educational bookI like the Kumon books, but I just wish they were write on wipe off. Since it is paper then once my son has completed the book I have to buy another one. That is the only down side to the book. He likes to practice his tracing his letters and has learned how to write some letters b/c he practices tracing with this book.
Julie Rozanes –
Autumn Bell –
PERFECTAmazing. Has tips on holding the pencil correct & how many pages a day you should do. Really gradual skill building and perfect for my 3 year old.
derek –
great kumon book.The Kumon series are perfect for children learning to write. The way it is presented the children see the letter and also trace the path. My child wants to tear through the book, but because of the cost I have to limit it to a couple pages a day. They learn the letters and the correct way to write them. I am a believer in these series.
Mommy –
Love this bookI love this book and have used it with several of my children. I suggest the kumon alphabet games (butterfly) as a accompaniment or follow up to this book.
Ernette aka Benie –
Five StarsI was surprised at how much this has helped us with my 3-year-old niece. I am getting more.
GGMcMurray –
Great tracing books for childrenMy granddaughters loves doing these. These are great to teach kids out to correctly write a letter. Great for little ones to do while older siblings do homework.
Britt –
Love it!My daughter who is 4 1/2 does not like book work she’s very hands on. She loves these books. I am so glad I gave these a try. I just ordered some more for my 3 1/2 year old. These are fantastic
Tony Vinoya –
Came used with pages missing…Title. Very dissatisfied.
Annie L. Horvath –
Kumon does it again.I’ve bought several Kumon books for my 3 yo daughter, this being the lastest. The layout is wonderful. It groups letters together by shape and pattern instead of order, moving from simple to complex. It offers many variations of the same skills and keeps my daughter’s interest. I’ve never ask her if she wants to work in the book, she picks it up periodically and works in it as long as she wants. She effortlessly learned how to write L, H, T, I, E and F.
Priscilla –
Awesome books!Love all of these books! My daughter has already completed several and gets excited every time we start a new one!
Lindsay H –
Awesome tracing book!I love the logical order of learning letters in this book (for example starts with having the hold trace straight lines, then the letters using only straight lines, then adds in diagonal lines, letter with diagonal lines, etc). My son really likes it and is much more excited to use this workbook than any of the others we’ve tried.
Lesty Serrano –
I love it.I love al Kumon books but this is so far my kiddos favorite. It’s a great introduction to writing.
mystery lover –
best of our letter tracing booksThe best of our letter tracing books – this one teaches direction of pencil strokes by following geometric shapes. My daughter is 4.
Amazon Customer –
Love love love this bookLove love love this book! My 3 1/2 year-old son who hates doing actual schoolwork, has love doing this. I don’t know what the differences, but he really loves it.
Chintan Pandya –
Buy it! great bookSimilar to the lower case letters, the upper case ABC’s are a fun way for my 3 y/o to learn to write.
Samantha U. –
Missing pagesI recieved this book and it was missing the first couple of pages. I plan on returning it. Disappointed.
Arti Luhadia –
Great book for learningGreat book for teaching my nephew how to write uppercase letter.
Happy Dad –
Helpful for kids to get the concept of tracing the lines for the lettersMy daughter is loving this book. She is three and the book is setup in a way to allow her to get a grasp on tracing the lines properly.
MM –
GreatMy daughter loved this book.
George Vartanian –
Helped my 3 year old enjoy learning to write!Has really helped with fine motor control. And it’s fun and engaging for kids!
Ms Customer –
Love the way it is set upLove the way it is set up. 3 year old learned to write all letters by end of the book. Moves from straight lines to curved lines. Has certificate in back to acknowledge completion
AngelGhost –
Will definitely be purchasing more of these!I can’t say enough about this Kümon workbook! Set up so perfectly for the stages of learning. My daughter was able to start this book at 2 years old. This book makes it easy on the kids, and easy on the parents.
Deborah Guzman –
My kid loves doing “homework”We keep a few Kumon books handy, this being one of them, and my kid loves doing “homework” everyday. We do a few pages and put stickers on the completed pages. These books are great for preschoolers and keeps them busy for at least a few minutes of each day.
Yarimar –
Great!My son loves it !
Mor288 –
Great book and age appropriateThe colors in this book are engaging for toddlers. My son asks to practice his letters all the time because the book is so bright and entertaining to him. He’s made huge strides on his letter writing with the exercises in this book.
Shyamala –
Good starterIts a good begining for the rookies in tracing. Takes them step by step. Only gripe is the letters used for tracing are huge. I am wondering whether it is because it would be much easier for them to write smaller when they get to do it..dunno.
D. Kurtz –
Super!I bought this for my grandson for his over the summer school time with grandma and he actually enjoyed it! He’s not an easy kid to teach since he’s ADHD and mildly autistic so that in itself w bring me back for more!
Mary –
Beautifully Illustrated Letter WorkbookI am a fan of the Kumon books for preschoolers. I think they do a great task-analysis and set kids up to successfully complete each step. My rambunctious three-year old loves working in these books. He is especially fond of the letters and numbers books.
Paul & Heather –
Five StarsGreat book for just beginning to hold a pencil and attempt letters.
AmyD –
Five StarsMy 3 year old loves this – enough of a challenge with “fun” mixed in.
Love Prime –
uppercase lettersI can’t decide if I like how they organize this or not, it starts with straight letters and then curved, so as long as your child already knows the alphabet order then this is great, otherwise it may confuse them; as always colorful and great quality.
NewMommie –
nice workbookso far it is good. I use it with my 2 year old. He gets excited about doing the exercises. We only do 1-2 pages a day which is enough- he does go to daycare so this is just reinforcing early writing skills.
keep it simple –
Color, size and repetitionOnce again a Kumon workbook that I love. It gives the color to keep kids interested, large enough letters to begin writing and plenty of repetition. Love these workbooks!
Brianna Otis –
Exercise the Mind At Home!!My preschooler loves these books, and it gives her time to do some work while she is not at school. Keeps her busy which is a big plus!!
Brian M. Lewis –
Easy bookSon had no problem completing this book at 4.5 years old.
D. Medina –
My kids loved the booksMy kids loved these books! It made things far more interesting than flash cards. They looked forward to Pre-K “homework.”
Brian Alexander –
Great help with my little boyGreat help with my little boy, four, who had no interest in learning how to write AT ALL. This really got him interested…and starburst.. but mostly this. Highly recommend this and other Kumon learning books
Melissa –
Good Book for introductionGood way to get them writing and developing the coordination needed to write. Definitely for beginners.
Amountain –
My kids and I really enjoy the Kumon booksMy kids and I really enjoy the Kumon books. This book I’m using with my 4 year old. He enjoys doing the lessons and it is great extra practice for writing skills.
Libba –
Carrie –
Best I’ve come acrossThis book is actually well put together. It serves it purpose in teaching kids the basic structure of the alphabet, but it could have more pages that allow them to practice the lines. My 4 year old likes to pick this up whenever she see’s it laying out, so it most likely won’t be something your child will run away from.
Woogene L. –
Good buyEnjoyed it very much
S. Jar –
A fun way to begin schoolingI ordered this to work with my 3 year old daughter who was antsy to start school like her big brother. She has loved it! We bought the tracing and numbers workbook as well.
Jay Smith –
Awesome book, but for it really work you have …Awesome book, but for it really work you have to consistently do it with child. I recommend just going to Kumon 🙂
LD –
EffectiveEffective and incrementally builds.
Kim –
love the Kumon booksMy 3 and 5 year old boys love all the Kumon books. They never notice that they are learning but have tons of fun when it’s time to sit down and do their workbooks
Carolyn A. Brown –
Letters grouped by strokesLike lowercase book this one goes by strokes needed to make letters. For example, straight vertical lines are presented first. Great paper to erase for more practice.
P&N M –
Great approach in my opinionGreat approach in my opinion. Doesn’t start in ABC order but with the letters that are easier to write. Needs more practice worksheets for that price.
JoY –
Great productGreat product
Elizabeth Kairuz –
Moser –
The kumon books are wonderful. My daughter is in preschool at home this …The kumon books are wonderful. My daughter is in preschool at home this year and is loving working through this book every day.
great for my pre-schoolerMy young son enjoyed this workbook. i also enjoyed teaching from this material. I would recommend this to any all parents. Especially good prior to starting Kumon.
Jeff O. –
Five StarsWe love the kumon books 🙂
Jeya –
Happy!So happy we got this book, my son has one and a few months later my younger daughter is eager to start, these books are amazing!
Best book for a preschoolerWe purchased pretty much every book by Kumon series. These books are awesome, very well structured, it serves as a perfect guide to teach little ones their letters and numbers the proper way.
AAxis –
Good for beginnersWe are total believers of the Kumon method and this book was great – but it needs more actual practice worksheets.
buyfor3 –
Five StarsWhat a perfect introduction to writing!! Also recommend the numbers book.
marissa –
Perfect for age 3.Perfect for our beginning writer 3 year old!!
Leslie –
brilliant. helped by 2 and half year old memorise …brilliant. helped by 2 and half year old memorise the alphabet very quickly and she loved tracing over all the lines and practice curves.
Laura Byerlee –
Five StarsVery useful for children so they acquire small motor skills.
Monroe –
Five StarsGreat product
Amazon Customer –
Good BuyThis was a good buy helped our son out lots.This is a good book for helping learning.The store shipped it fast would shop with again.
Noelle –
Five StarsGreat for beginners.
K. Ward –
Great starter bookMy sister who is a teacher recommended these books and my son loves them. Really well thought out to get your child learning and in an enjoyable manner.
A. Yaussy –
Best brand on the marketBest brand on the market. It empowers our kids to be successful without discouraging them. Love, love, love all their products!
J. Adelman –
Great bookGreat book! My four year old loves these, and does them voluntarily on his own. He would do one book a day if I let him…
Nope –
must have!Loves these great workbooks! Must have for head start to child’s learning! Very bright and colorful, easy to use!!
G. Ko –
Great way for kids to learnMy 2.25 year old daughter love to trace letters in this book. Within a couple of weeks, she was writing the letter H by herself.
Mamemo –
starts from easy letterI like kumon because this work introduce letters from easy one. like L, J, I, ..
John Spencer –
Five StarsGood book!
Janet Petersen –
Fun for parents and kids!Wonderful tool for learning. Great quality of paper. Bright colors. Fun for kids to learn!
AmazingThis makes it so easy and fun to work on skills with your child. It’s brilliant. I am going to buy more in this series!
muller –
Four StarsGood
Great buyI bought this book for my 3 year old granddaughter and she absolutely loved it.
A.c.daveluy –
Great buyMy 4 year olds love it, they are working through the book and learning as they go! It’s a great buy!
abigail jacobs –
I liked thisI liked this but my youngster was not as impressed, but it was just to advanced for him no fault of Kumon
Honest Reviewer –
Five StarsGreat!
VT –
Five StarsGreat buy. Helps my 4 year old to write letters. Recommended!
S. Wyant –
Kumon books are wonderfulWe have had serval Kumon books, cutting, drawing, letters, numbers, etc. These are great for early learners just starting out.
Amazon Customer –
Perfect!Just what we were looking for! We love Kumon and all their workbooks!!
Mila –
Five StarsGood book. My 3yo kid loves practicing in drawing letters.
Paris Jones –
Five StarsPerfect for teaching my child.
Amazon Customer –
Not what I expectedExpected more. I would not recommend this for a kindergartner needing practice.
Hyeeun Kim –
my kid likes itmy kid like to do it. he is learning incredibly fast and the book is very colorful and easy to understand.
Victoria L. Stewart –
Five StarsI use dry erase markers and sleeves….it will last through both children
Lindsey Dick –
18 pages filled out by someone elseCondition was listed as good but many pages were already filled out by someone – condition should have been ‘used- Poor’
Mary M. –
Five StarsFun learning tool.
B Burke –
love these books!!!!!These books are the best for toddlers !! We keep buying them!!!!
AW –
Great!Great reference to help teach my little one her letters so that she is prepared for preschool and kindergarten. Recommend!
becky –
great first bookthis is a great book it really helped my 3 year old and she has fun with it. . .
Deborah Ramos –
Great workbooksMy daughter loves them
Amazon Customer –
Five StarsKids and mom like it
Five StarsKumon books have helped my 3 year tremendously with writing and tracing.
Amazon Customer –
Five Starsgreat like all kumon books
Shopshop –
All around good workbook.I love the KUMON books. My daughter enjoys them as well.
Naairah Smith –
Three StarsNeeds more practice of each letter.
Amazon Customer –
Five StarsReally like these books Thank you!
Gale –
Step by step practicePlenty of helpful exercises
S Wong –
Five StarsGood practice for young children.
ji –
Five StarsGreat for kids!
SS –
Five Starsgood books My 4 year loves them.
Amazon Buyer –
Five StarsGreat workbook
Five StarsGrand kids loved it!
Honey Lover –
Five StarsGreat books for little hands.
Yi-ching.Chiang –
Five StarsAs I expected
Chi Hsuan Huang –
Five StarsGreat book!
Isabella O. –
Five StarsArrived as expected
maura mize –
Five Starsgranddaugter loved it
D. Dennis –
Great introduction to writing uppercase letters!I really like the straight forward and fun approach this book uses to help the student learn to write uppercase letters. This allows learning to write to be fun instead of boring. A + book.
Melissa Nicolois –
Five StarsLove it.
Joshua Richardson –
Great BookGreat Book
J. Krueger –
Kid Loves ItMy son loves doing the activities in his Kumon books. And I like that it helps develop skills he will need when he starts Preschool. Highly recommended.
Janice S. –
Love itGreat practice
Ashu –
RudimentaryThey could have done a lot better with the illustration and also the choice of words.But all-in-all it is a great start if you are paying less than eight bucks for the piece.
Michael Kelly –
Five Starsperfect
Jennifer Lee Hanks –
We love Kumon!My girls love to do their workbooks! They are learning incredibly fast – and the Kumon books are colorful, engaging – and easy to understand! I would highly recommend the entire series.
Three StarsOk
Mannu –
One StarDisappointed. I bought the book after reading the description that it is unmarked and Like new. Half of the pages were marked and that too in ink. Since the book has lot of tracing exercise for kids, marking does not help. The book itself is a great learning tool for kids. I just wish the description was honest.
a –
Nice idea, didn’t work for usI am a homeschooling mother of three boys and I like a lot of the Kumon books. My youngest is ready to learn letter recognition, basic phonics, and writing letters so I purchased this for him. (He just turned 4) With my older boys I taught them to write the letters in the order of the alphabet. When I opened this book and saw their approach of teaching the simplest letters first and then continuing with letters grouped by the types of lines they contain I thought it was worth a try. For HIM this method is not working, but now that we have continued with our standard ABC order he is doing well. I believe he was having a hard time remembering what was what because all the letters were too similar to one another in appearance and motion. Another con is that the book does not provide enough practice for each letter; you only write each letter 3 times. On the positive side, like all Kumon books, this book is very colorful and sturdy.
Y. An –
False infos!!!Will give 0 star if there was an option. This book has 1~80 pages and 1~59 were already used/marked.Very disappointed!!!
Jenee Melgoza –
Best Introductory Uppercase Letters Workbook!As a homeschooling mom I think the Kumon My First Book of Uppercase Letters is the best introductory preschool workbook for learning to write letters. This workbook is not in alphabetical order, so if you are looking for this kind of workbook then this is not for you. But, if you are going to continue on with Kumon, Handwriting Without Tears or Zaner-Bloser then this shouldn’t be a problem.This workbook is not meant to have your child perfect writing letters within a single workbook and is meant to give children the confidence to start writing letters. I feel that this workbook is just long enough for introductory letter writing practice and gives kids a sense of accomplishment after completing the book. You will need to continue on with other workbooks to perfect handwriting.I love how big the letters are on every page and review of letters learned. This workbook also reinforces how to hold a pencil correctly. I personally liked using this book along with the Kumon Lowercase Letters before starting the Handwriting Without Tears program. We started using this workbook at three years old with my son and were able to finish the HWT My First School Book by the time he was four.Ages: The three to five years old age range is very appropriate for this workbook. Multiple Children: A workbook is needed for each child.
A must-have for any preschoolerMy 3 yr old twins were having a difficult time at preschool learning to write their names. I found this and bought it based on the great reviews. It does not disappoint! The entire book is so amazing. I love how the beginning pages focus on drawing straight lines and connecting shapes with the same lines that are used in letters. Then it moves to starting letters, and then to the entire letter by tracing lines. Very very smart learning tool. My girls picked up on it very fast and their letters have been much improved. The more use with this book, the better their letters get. I would recommend this to every single person ever with a preschooler who may need some extra help with writing. I just wish I had made photocopies for them to practice on because now I need to order more books.
C Mak –
Good for 3-4 year oldMy 3 year old loves it. The exercises are good for 3-4 year old. Might be too easy for a 5 year old.
Caleya –
My son is 5 years oldThis book is great my son was having problems write is letters but with this book he is getting better and better
Amazon Customer –
I absolutely love this bookI absolutely love this book!!!! This is perfect! I do agree that utilizing her other book to help practicing the letters is helpful but honestly the way they break down the letters is genius.
HomeschoolMamaofIrishTwins –
HomeschoolI used this book at part of our Pre-Kindergarten curriculum. Kumon books are always great; we love their method and that the child gets a certificate once completed.
It has helped her recognize the letters better too. I recommend itMy daughter (age 3) loves this book! It has helped her recognize the letters better too. I recommend it.
Melissa J. Newman –
Great book, but needs level 2This is a great book for learning how to correctly write the uppercase letters. The book is tracing of letters which gave my son, just turned 5, a lot of confidence in his writing. The only problem is that there really needs to be a part 2 for this book to help the children move from tracing these letters to writing them. The next 4 books in the recommended sequence all deal with lowercase letters, so the child is not given the opportunity to practice the uppercase letters.
luv2shop –
bought the setMy Little one loves these! He doesn’t even know hes learning! :)I bought the whole set.
M. Neumann –
Daughter Loves itThis book was great for starting my daughter out with writing skills. My wife and I blindly assumed that we should start with the letters in her name (R) but the book has the kids starting out with straight lines (T, H, E, etc…). That makes a lot more sense. My daughter looks forward to working on her letters.One watchout: I was told that most parents teach their kids to spell there names in all caps. However, I’m told this is very hard for teachers to correct once the kids start school.Only reservation that I have about the book is that I’m guessing I will to need to buy several of them since the pages are single use.
Keisha Cosand –
Great for preschoolers!I have bought many of these Kumon workbooks, and especially love the ones for preschoolers. I like the quality and color of the pages.
Mom785943 –
My daughter loves this bookThis book (and the whole concept) is brilliant. I’m not one to push my kids to do things before they are ready, but as far as I’m concerned, if a child loves something you go with it, and my daughter loves this book. She is 2 yrs 9 months and wanted a “workbook” like her big sister so I got this thinking that she would really only scribble in it. After a few pages, she had learned how to draw straight and curved lines with control, and after a few more pages could trace most letters! She still can’t quite get all of them (and at her age that’s fine) – I’m going to go back and get the “Tracing” book because I think that is a better start for 2-year olds. This is a fun book for young kids who are interested in learning the basics of letter writing.
Poppyseed –
My 3 year old LOVES doing her “homework”I bought this book for my three and half year old daughter and she absolutely loves it. She wants to do four or more pages of “homework” per day. I have to stop her and ask her to save some for tomorrow. I feel that she is ready to learn how to write her letters, but her preschool doesn’t really do it until the kids are in the four-year-old classroom. This workbook is perfect for three year olds, because they learn by tracing. It is a great workbook for parents who want to get their kids an early start on learning their alphabets. We are now working on the Kumon’s My First Book of Numbers and will soon order more workbooks.
Prudence B –
Five StarsGreat book
luki’s mommy –
Fun activity for 3year old interested in writing.Straight forward to do for my 3year old. She lives the colorful pictures.
David S –
Not what I expectedNice book, but boring and needs more practice of each letter. I expected more. I would not recommend this for a kindergartner needing practice.
S. Chishti –
Pretty goodI recently purchased the uppercase, lowercase, paper cutting and tracing mazes. My son is 3 1/2 and he is enjoying doing all of them. It’s a fun and easy way to make them learn things. He is even learning to cut paper a straight line now. I make him work on the mazes and straight lines, then move on to the uppercase letters. It really helps him keep straight lines and also get the edges properly.
Julia Laky –
Not as good as other KUMON booksI love other KUMON books and so does my son. This one doesn’t have anything to keep his interest. He likes trains, airplanes, cars, stars, “boyish” stuff. This book is full of flowers and cats and pink pages. He says he wants his other KUMON book (which he finished enthusiastically) because it had trains there and tracing ended with a star. He didn’t want to work on this book.
Kevin Pollock –
Preschool WritingMy daughter is 4, and just started preschool. She loves the workbook. It teaches her to make different lines before she started the letters,which helped her make them correctly. Great for beginners.
Mercy –
Good buy!This book is so great will definitely be buying more of the kumon books to supplement our curriculum
Rebekah G Carver –
Great gift for a five year oldBought this for my nephew as he was getting ready to start kindergarten. Looks like a great book.
Cliente Amazon –
BellissimoOttimo per la prescrittura.
Cliente Amazon –
Great way to teach children writing!…I have recently come to know about kumon books. I have ordered 7 different books of kumon so far for my little boy. The books are a great and fun way for children to learn and gain writing skills. As soon as the books arrived the next day my son already started doing the exercises. I must say great quality for amazing price! As usual Amazon has done a great job delivering the books very quick and in good condition👌So I thank both for the service and these wonderful books. I certainly recommend these kumon books to all parents and teachers!
Merysc –
Genial y evolutivoHe comprado este cuadernillo para este verano y mis hijos le llevan haciendo tres o cuatro días.Os recomiendo que sigáis las recomendaciones del principio para seguir el método.El cuaderno empieza con trazos muy sencillos horizontales y verticales y van introduciendo las letras mayúsculas. Primero son las grandes y anchas y luego las final y pequeñas.Los ejercicios se van complicando gradualmente casi sin que el niño se de cuenta.Les marcan la dirección que deben de tomar y dónde empieza y dónde acaba.Primero empiezan con las letras con trazos rectos como la T o la L y luego pasan a las que tienen trazos curvos como la D, S, etc.Yo lo estoy usando para un niño y una niña que cumplen los 5 años en un mes y creo que les va bien a su edad.No he encontrado en Amazon la versión en castellano.Espero os sea útil la opinión.
Pooja –
Great buyNice book . Different from others available in the market
ally –
Effectively taught my daughterI’m really happy with this book. We had tried the Brainquest workbook, but it didn’t help my daughter write her letters at all. She had fun going through this book and now writes her letters very well, which obviously is the objective. I will only buy Kumon books going forward.
Terri –
GreatGreat workbook. Activites are simple and appropriate for the age group.
Dipa GH –
Great bookMy daughter generally doesn’t like to write.. but with this book, she at least sits and try to write which is great to me.. go for it if your child doesn’t pay attention in writing and needs lots of story telling in order to do so.
Thelma Leite de Araujo –
Desperta o interesse das criançasDo conteudo, figuras e cores
Karlina –
LoveLove kumon I studied kumon as a kid and now my daughter and she finds these so helpful in improving on what she already knows. Some questions can be repetitive however in life much of what we do is repetitive and a lot of progress can be based on memory which I believe where this system stems from so I don’t mind it, it also helps in ammending any mistakes my daughter would make.
one_two_three –
Good as usualI have bought many KUMON books for my twin daughters. Most of them are quitegood and this one is not an exception.I would say that most of the tasks can be done by the child of 4yo without much difficulty. The only exception is the last review page — to write down all the letters without ‘tracing aid’. From my experience children should be at least 4.5yo to complete this.
Ash –
Letter recognitionMy son loves working in this book. Great for letter recognition and starting penmanship
cati –
RecomendablesRecomiendo todos los libros del método Kumon, son todos geniales y muy útiles, una manera sencilla y efectiva de aprender
laCazaCuentos –
un gran libro para aprender a escribirCompré este libro en inglés porque no localicé la versión en castellano (no sé si existe). Como los demás libros de la colección la calidad del pappel es muy buena y es muy didáctico. Los niños empiezan con las letras más sencillas y luego se va incrementando poco a poco la dificultad. Además, aparecen intercalados ejercicios de trazos. Aunque esté en inglés, sirve perfectamente para aprender a escribir el abecedario – salvo la ñ 😉
Maria K –
Good quality booksGreat teaching book! Good pages! Love Kumon
Amazon Customer –
Great book for learning to write lettersGreat book for learning to write letters… My son is 3 and might be a little advanced for him but he gets most of it done with some help
Cliente Amazon –
IndispensabileOttimo libro acquistato per insegnare a mio figlio con disabilità ad approcciarsi con metodo passo dopo passo alla scrittura. E il risultati si vedono
Amna N. –
AlphabetsGood paper and pictures to attract little kids.
AcetheStrange –
We love it!My daughter loves it! It’s a fun, bonding activity for us.
HH –
Good step towards receptionIf you want your child to be confident and comfortable entering primary school (e.g. for reception), get this book and make him follow through it with 3/4 pages a day through the summer before school starts. My child regularly comes back with a sticker praising him for well written or well recognized letters.
great book for kidswonderful and very helpful for my daughter. a recommended book for toddlers to learn the hand writing skill and drawing. We find it very interesting and educative. Hope other parents get benefited from it.
Cliente Amazon –
Bien para aprender el abecedario en inglésA mis hijos les gustan los libros de Kumon y este nos lo hemos usado para ir aprendiendo el abecedario en inglés. Me gusta particularmente por uno de mis hijos, al que la letra enlazada le resultaba más dificil, y esta al ser el modelo de imprenta se le ha dado mejor. El precio me parece muy bueno.
Samir –
Five Starsgud for practice
Kátia Arrais –
Valeu a penaBem ilustrado, divertido. Tem as setas indicando a direção do lápis para escrever a letra. Aprovado.
Vanessa Vic –
Muito bom e colorido!Adorei o livro! Muita prática…
Cliente Amazon –
ExcelenteMuy bien estructurados, perfecto para acompañar en casa lo aprendido en el cole. Compraría toda la colección.
Darrien –
Gutes Vorschulbuchwir haben das Buch in der Vorschulzeit bearbeitet und waren sehr zufrieden. Die Inhalte wurden sehr oft wiederholt so das sich der Lerninhalt sehr gut einprägt.Am Ende des Buches können die Kinder die Großbuchstaben benennen und schreiben.
Diana Veloso –
Muito Bom Livromuito bom
MarinaThodeSanjuan –
Libro imprescindible del método Kummon para iniciarse a escribir y lecturas a los 4 años.Libro imprescindible del método Kummon para iniciarse a escribir y lecturas a los 4 años. Muchos ejercicios de fácil a difícil.
Paula –
Ótimo materialÓtimo material
Brent M. –
Five StarsKids love these
WShopper –
Trazos paso a pasoEl sistema de Kumon es simplemente perfecto ya que paso a paso asegura que los niños adquieran la confianza y logren avanzar en su aprendizaje.
sherene –
Five StarsFantastic teaching book with many pages, really teaches your child how to practise writing letters
Chi –
It is a little boring but it is okIt is a little boring but it is ok. Practicing letters by how the letter drawn, ( letters with straight lines, letters with diagnal lines, letters with curbs. I am relatively happy but it was not best we saw.
Rossella –
Imparo a scrivereOttimo prodotto da consigliare
David Milner –
Five StarsExcellent !!!!
Rafaela vazquez –
RazoávelA única queixa é a ordem aleatória em que as letras são apresentadas. Isso parece dificultar a memorização e o aprendizado.
JasTiV –
I recommend all Kumon booksGreat way to learn, my son loves it. We don’t have to coerce him to use it.
c&g –
Five StarsI love kumon books!
Mrs. Belinda Eldridge –
Five StarsMy daughter is three and now writing her name
David Toffer –
Great for home learningThe little one loves this product, bright pages which catch the attention and seem to draw him back in asking to do page after page.
Prasath –
Five StarsGood
Sandra –
My First Book of Uppercase LettersA coordenação motora melhor com este livro.
Pavan Khosla –
Five StarsGood
Izabela Popielarska –
Five StarsLove the concept. My 4 year old daughter enjoys working through the book.
Shopping mum –
Five StarsGood
Trinath Dasari –
One StarBook was not in a good condition
sana –
Two StarsDidn’t work for us.